W. Preiser & Jacqueline
Butterworth-Heinemann| 0750661747 | 2004 | PDF | 256 pages | 6 Mb

The building performance evaluation (BPE) framework emphasizes an evaluative stance throughout the six phases of the building delivery and life cycle: (1) strategic planning/needs analysis; (2) program review; (3) design review; (4) post-construction evaluation/review; (5) post-occupancy evaluation; and, (6) facilities management review/adaptive reuse. The lessons learned from positive and negative building performance are fed into future building delivery cycles. The case studies illustrate how this basic methodology has been adapted to a range of cultural contexts, and indicates the positive results of building performance assessment in a wide range of situations.
The Evolution of Building Performance Evaluation (Wolfgang F.E. Preiser and Jacqueline C. Vischer)
A Conceptual Framework for Building Performance Evaluation ( Wolfgang F.E. Preiser and Ulrich Schramm)
Strategic Planning - Effectiveness Review (Ulrich Schramm)
Programming/Briefing and Program Review (Alexi Marmot, Joanna Eley and Stephen Bradley)
Design and Design Review (Jacqueline C.Vischer)
Construction – Commissioning (Michael J. Holtz)
Occupancy -- Post-Occupancy Evaluation (Bill Bordass and Adrian Leaman)
Adaptive Re-Use/Recycling and Market/Needs Assessment (Danny S.Then)
Benchmarking the 'Sustainability' of a Building Project (Susan Roaf)
Introducing the ASTM Facilities Evaluation Methodology (Francoise Szigeti, Gerald Davis, and David Hammond)
Assessing the Performance of Offices of the Future (Rotraut Walden)
Assessing Brazilian Workplace Performance through users Feedback and Corporate Culture Values (Sheila Ornstein, Claudia Andrade, and Brenda Leite)
User Satisfaction Surveys in Israel (Ahuva Windsor)
Building Performance Evaluation in Japan (Akikazu Kato, Pieter Le Roux, and Kazuhisa Tsunekawa)
Technological and Management Innovation in Offices in The Netherlands (Shauna Mallory-Hill, Theo J.M. van der Voordt, and Anne van Dortmont)
Evaluating Universal Design Performance (Wolfgang F. E. Preiser)
The Facility Performance Evaluation Working Group (Craig Zimring, Fehmi Dogan, Dennis Dunne, Cheryl Fuller, and Kevin Kampschroer)
The Human Elements in Building Performance Evaluation (Alex K. Lam)
Epilogue: Looking to the Future (Jacqueline C. Vischer)
Kit of Tools: Evaluation Instruments You can Use
"...this timely publication offers a collection of key methods and practical skills necessary to carry out building performance assessment." - MCEER Information Service News, March/April 2005
Butterworth-Heinemann| 0750661747 | 2004 | PDF | 256 pages | 6 Mb

The building performance evaluation (BPE) framework emphasizes an evaluative stance throughout the six phases of the building delivery and life cycle: (1) strategic planning/needs analysis; (2) program review; (3) design review; (4) post-construction evaluation/review; (5) post-occupancy evaluation; and, (6) facilities management review/adaptive reuse. The lessons learned from positive and negative building performance are fed into future building delivery cycles. The case studies illustrate how this basic methodology has been adapted to a range of cultural contexts, and indicates the positive results of building performance assessment in a wide range of situations.
The Evolution of Building Performance Evaluation (Wolfgang F.E. Preiser and Jacqueline C. Vischer)
A Conceptual Framework for Building Performance Evaluation ( Wolfgang F.E. Preiser and Ulrich Schramm)
Strategic Planning - Effectiveness Review (Ulrich Schramm)
Programming/Briefing and Program Review (Alexi Marmot, Joanna Eley and Stephen Bradley)
Design and Design Review (Jacqueline C.Vischer)
Construction – Commissioning (Michael J. Holtz)
Occupancy -- Post-Occupancy Evaluation (Bill Bordass and Adrian Leaman)
Adaptive Re-Use/Recycling and Market/Needs Assessment (Danny S.Then)
Benchmarking the 'Sustainability' of a Building Project (Susan Roaf)
Introducing the ASTM Facilities Evaluation Methodology (Francoise Szigeti, Gerald Davis, and David Hammond)
Assessing the Performance of Offices of the Future (Rotraut Walden)
Assessing Brazilian Workplace Performance through users Feedback and Corporate Culture Values (Sheila Ornstein, Claudia Andrade, and Brenda Leite)
User Satisfaction Surveys in Israel (Ahuva Windsor)
Building Performance Evaluation in Japan (Akikazu Kato, Pieter Le Roux, and Kazuhisa Tsunekawa)
Technological and Management Innovation in Offices in The Netherlands (Shauna Mallory-Hill, Theo J.M. van der Voordt, and Anne van Dortmont)
Evaluating Universal Design Performance (Wolfgang F. E. Preiser)
The Facility Performance Evaluation Working Group (Craig Zimring, Fehmi Dogan, Dennis Dunne, Cheryl Fuller, and Kevin Kampschroer)
The Human Elements in Building Performance Evaluation (Alex K. Lam)
Epilogue: Looking to the Future (Jacqueline C. Vischer)
Kit of Tools: Evaluation Instruments You can Use
"...this timely publication offers a collection of key methods and practical skills necessary to carry out building performance assessment." - MCEER Information Service News, March/April 2005