N.E. Shanmugam, J.Y. Richard Liew, V. Thevendran
Elsevier| 0080430031 | 1998 | PDF | 750 pages | 40 Mb

Thin-plated structures are used extensively in building construction, automobile, aircraft, shipbuilding and other industries because of a number of favourable factors such as high strength-weight ratio, development of new materials and processes and the availability of efficient analytical methods. This class of structure is made by joining thin plates together at their edges and they rely for their rigidity and strength upon the tremendous stiffness and load-carrying capacity of the flat plates from which they are made. Many of the problems encountered in these structures arise because of the effects of local buckling.
The knowledge of various facets of this phenomenon has increased dramatically since the 1960s. Problem areas which were hitherto either too complex for rigorous analysis or whose subtleties were not fully realized have in these years been subjected to intensive study. Great advances have been made in the areas of inelastic buckling. The growth in use of lightweight strong materials, such as fibre-reinforced plastics has also been a contributory factor towards the need for advances in the knowledge of the far post-buckling range.
The conference is a sequel to the international conference organised by the University of Strathclyde in December 1996 and this international gathering will provide the opportunity for discussion of recent developments and trends in design of thin-walled structures.
Smart Thin-Walled Structures
KP Chong and BK Wada 17
Light Gauge Steel Framing for House Construction
J Michael Davies 29
Ferrocement: A Cementitious Thin Wall Structural Elements- Research to Practice
P Paramasivam Design of Steel Arches
NS Trahair, Y-L Pi and JP Papangelis 41
Finite Strip Analysis of Shear Walls and Thin Plates with Abrupt Changes of Thickness by Using Modified Beam Vibration Modes
YK Cheung, FTK Au and D Y Zheng 53
Section I: Aluminium
Buckling of Aluminium Plates
M Langseth, OS Hopperstad and L Hanssen 67
Shear Strength of Welded Aluminium Plate Girders
A Bhogal and A W Davies 77
Strength of Aluminium Extrusions under Compression and Bending
OS Hopperstad, M Langseth and L Moen 85
Ultimate Strength of Stiffened Aluminium Plates
A Aalberg, M Langseth, OS Hopperstad and KA Malo 93
Section II: Cold-Formed and Light Gauge Steel Structures
A Comparison Between British and European Design Codes for Cold-Formed Thin-Gauged Structures
D B Moore and YC Wang 103
Behaviour of Cold-Formed Steel Wall Frame Systems Lined with Plasterboard
Yaip Telue and Mahen Mahendran 111
Buckling, Torsion and Biaxial Bending of Cold-Formed Steel Beams
NS Trahair, YL Pi and BM Put 121
Design of Slotted Light Gauge Studs
Torsten H6glund 129
Direct Strength Prediction of Cold-Formed Steel Members Using Numerical Elastic
Buckling Solutions
B W Schafer and T Pek6z 137
Ductile and Connection Behaviour of Thin G550 Sheet Steels
CA Rogers and GJ Hancock 145
Effect of Cold Forming on Compressed Carbon and Stainless Steel Struts
M Macdonald, J Rhodes and G T Taylor 153
Local Buckling of Partially Stiffened Type 3CR12 Stainless Steel Compression Elements in Beam Flanges
GJ van den Berg 161
Effects of Spot-Weld Spacing on the Axial Crushing of Closed-Hat Section Members
HF Wong, J Rhodes, J Zaras and S Ujihashi 173
Flexural Strength of Cold-Formed Steel Panels Using High-Strength, Low-Ductility Steel
Shaojie Wu, Wei-Wen Yu and Roger A LaBoube 181
Flexural-Torsional Stability of Thin-Walled Orthotropic Channel Section Beams
Mohammad Z Kabir 189
Inelastic Behaviour of Cold-Formed Channel Sections in Bending
V Enjily, RG Beale and MHR Godley 197
Inelastic Lateral Buckling of Cold-Formed Channel and Z-Section Beams
Yong-Lin Pi, Bogdan M Put and Nicholas S Trahair 205
Loading Capacity of Cold-Formed RHS Members Used in Multi-Story Buildings
Z Y Shen, YY Chen, SJ Pan, G Y Wang and Y Tang 213
Local Failures in Trapezoidal Steel Claddings
M Mahendran and RB Tang 221
Performance of Cold Formed Steel Angles under Fatigue Loading
S Kandasamy, GM Samuel Knight and Nagabhushana Rao 229
Quasi-Static Axial Crushing of Top-Hat and Double-Hat Thin-Walled Sections
Norman Jones and MD White 237
Structural Performance of Bolted Moment Connections Between Cold-Formed Steel
K F Chung and Y J Shi 245
Stability Design of Thin-Walled Members Including Local Buckling
F Werner, P Osterrieder and H Lehmkuhl 253
Section III: Composite and Ferrocement
Axial Crushing of Foam Filled Composite Conical Shells
NK Gupta and R Velmurugan 263
Buckling Failure of Titanium-Steel Composite Chimney Liner
RHR Tide and MH Darr 271
Influence of Geometric Imperfections and Lamination Defects on the Buckling Behaviour
of Composite Cylinders
N Panzeri and C Poggi 279
Influence of Shear Deformation on Geometrically Non-linear Deflections of Composite
Laminated Plates
TS Lok and Q H Cheng 289
Post-Buckling and First-Ply Failure of Thin-Walled Frames and Columns Made of
Composite Materials
Luis A Godoy, Leonel I Almanzar and Ever J Barbero 297
Progressive Damage Analysis of GRP Panels under Extreme Transverse Pressure Loading
SSJ Moy, RA Shenoi, HG Allen, Z-N Feng and GS Pahdi 305
Snap-Through Buckling of Plastic-Glassy Sheeting
SL Chan, AKW So and SW Yuen 313
Behaviour of Thin Walled Composite Beams and Columns
KMA Hossain, L Mol and HD Wright 321
Development of the 'Slimdek' System Using Deep Composite Decking
RM Lawson and DL Mullett 329
Geometric and Material Nonlinear Behaviour of Steel Plates in Thin-Walled Concrete Filled Box Columns
OO Liang and B Uy 339
Lateral-Distortional Buckling of Composite Cantilevers
MA Bradford 347
Lightweight Thin Walled Profiled Steel Sheeting/Dryboard (PSSDB) Composite Floor
WH Wan Badaruzzaman and HD Wright 355
Local Buckling of Cold Formed Steel Sections Filled with Concrete
BUy, HD Wright and AA Diedricks 367
The Dynamic Response of Filled Thin-Walled Steel Sections
HD Wright and A W Mohamed 375
A Study of Thin-Walled Ferrocement Elements for Prefabricated Housing
MA Mansur, KL Tan, AE Naaman and P Paramasivam 383
Long-Term Deformation Analysis of Thin-Walled Open-Profile RC Beams
WAM Alwis 391
Section IV: Compression Members
Design Procedures for Stub-Columns
KY Teo and SM Chou 401
Inelastic Bifurcation Analysis of Locally Buckled Channel Columns
B Young and K JR Rasmussen 409
Stability and Bracing of Thin-Walled Columns
Pratyoosh Gupta, ST Wang and George E Blandford 417
Influences of Welding Imperfections on Buckling/Ultimate Strength of Ship Bottom
Plating Subjected to Combined Bi-axial Thrust & Lateral Pressure
Tetsuya Yao, Masahiko Fufikubo, Daisuke Yanagihara, Balu Varghese and Osamu Niho 425
Post-Ultimate Behaviour of Stiffened Panels Subjected to Axial Compression
SR Cho, B-W Choi and I-C Song 433
Strength and Ductility of Steel Stiffened Plates under Cyclic Loading
liB Ge, T Usami and T Watanabe 441
Thin Plates Subjected to Uniformly Varying Edge-Displacements
NE Shanmugam and R Narayanan 449
Section V: Analysis and Design
Geometric Nonlinear Analysis of Diaphragm-Braced C-Purlins
YJ Zhu, YC Zhang and XL Liu 461
A Rectangular Plate Element for Ultimate Strength Analysis
Kofi Masaoka, Hiroo Okada and Yukio Ueda 469
General Solution for C-Shaped Bellows Overall-Bending Problems
WP Zhu, Q Huang, P Guo and WZ Chien 477
Advanced Inelastic Analysis of Thin-Walled Core-Braced Frames
JY Richard Liew, H Chen, CH Yu and NE Shanmugam 485
Investigation of Collapsed Rack Storage Systems
RHR Tide and FA Calabrese 493
Natural Frequencies and Mode Shapes of Thin-Walled Members under In-Plane Forces
M Ohga, K Nishimoto, T Shigematsu and T Hara 501
Non-linear Dynamic Analysis of Thin-Walled Tapered Towers with Concentrated Masses
G T Michaltsos and TG Konstandakopoulos 509
Optimal Design of Piecewise-Constant Thickness Circular Plates for Minimax
Axisymmetric Deflection
CM Wang and KK Ang 517
Analysis with Non-Orthogonal Functions for Anisotropic Shells
Kai-Yu Xu, Zhe-Wei Zhou and Wei-Zhang Chien 527
Transformations of Displacement and Force Quantities Between Systems of Axes and
Genetic Points of Rigid Open Cross-Sections
Risto Koivula 535
Numerical Modelling of Extended Endplate and Composite Flush Endplate Connections
S Troup, R Y Xiao and SSJ Moy 543
A Simple Nonlinear Frame Element and its Application to Postbuckling Analysis
YB Yang, SR Kuo, and SC Yang 553
Section VI: Perforated Members
Design of Perforated Plates under In-Plane Compression
V Thevendran, NE Shanmugam and YH Tan 563
Study on the Effect of Symmetrical Openings on the Ultimate Capacity of Lipped
Y Pu, MHR Godley, RG Beale and J Wallace 571
Tension Buckling of Plates Having a Hole under Combined Loadings
S Shimizu and H Nishimura 579
Ultimate Strength of Cylindrical Tubular Columns with Circular Perforation
S Murakami, N Nishimura, S Takeuchi, H Inoguchi and K Jikuya 587
Section VII: Shells and Pressure Vessels
The Buckling Behaviour of Horizontal Storage Vessels - Experiments and Codes
AS Tooth, J Spence and GCM Chan 597
Buckling Strength of T-Section Transition Ringbeams in Elevated Steel Silos and Tanks
JG Teng and F Chan 605
Cylindrical Shells Subjected to Vertical Edge Deformation and Internal Pressure
M Jonaidi, M Chaaya and P Ansourian 613
Inelastic Buckling of a Layered Conical Shell
J Zielnica 621
Modelling Methodologies with Beam Finite Elements for Collapse Analysis of Tubular
Members/Cylindrical Shells
B Skallerud and J Amdahl 629
Nonlinear Vibration and Dynamic Instability of Thin Shallow Conical Shells
YE Zhiming 639
Evaluation of the Principal Stresses in a Deaerator Vessel of a Thermoelectric Power
NS Maia, EB Medeiros and TR Mansur 647
Strength of Reticulated Shells Designed by Second-Order Elastic Analysis
S Kato, I Mutoh and Y Matsunaga 655
Stresses in Elastic Cylindrical Shells under Wind Load
Martin Pircher, Werner Guggenberger, Richard Greiner and Russell Bridge 663
The Influence of Weld-Induced Residual Stresses on the Buckling of Cylindrical
Thin-Walled Shells
Martin Pircher, Martin O'Shea and Russell Bridge 671
Bending Effects on Instabilities of Internally Pressurised Tubes Modelled by a Nonlocal Membrane Theory
Lars Pilgaard Mikkelsen and Viggo Tvergaard 679
Section VIII: Shear and Bending
An Experimental Study of Viscoplasticity-Creep Interaction of Thin-Walled Tubes under
Pure Bending
WF Pan and CM Hsu 689
Dynamic Equilibriums of Nonprismatic Thin-Walled Beams Considering the Effects of
Transverse Shear Deformations Defined on an Arbitrary Coordinate System
CN Chen 697
Lateral Buckling Capacities of Thin-Walled Monosymmetric I-Beams
M Kubo and H Kitahori 705
Post Buckling Deformations of Rectangular Hollow Sections in Bending
Frode Paulsen and Torgeir Welo 713
A Unified Method for Calculating Shear Stresses in Thin-Walled Sections
Ali H Khan and Mark J Sharrock 723
Influence of Shear Buckling on the Ductility of Steel Members
loannis Vayas 733
Qualities and Use of Beams with Expanded Metal
M Hellsten 741
Section IX: Tubular Members and Bridge Piers
Blast Loading of Offshore Structural Members Using Novel Experimental Techniques
SS Hsu, MD White and GK Schleyer 753
Lateral (Diametral) Crushing of Steel Circular Cylindrical Tubes, Welded to the Platens 761
SV Khonsari and SMH Parvinnia
Quasi-Static Axial Compression of Thin-Walled Circular Metal Tubes Including Effects
of Foam Filling
SR Guillow and G Lu 771
Cyclic Loading Test of Steel Octagonal Section Pier Models
M Suzuki and T Aoki 779
Elasto-Plastic Behavior of Steel-Pipe Pier Models under Lateral Cyclic Loading
H Koeda, S Ono, N Kishi and Y Goto 787
Experimental Study on Elasto-Plastic Dynamic Behavior of Steel-Pipe Pier Models
N Kishi, H Koeda, M Komuro and KG Matsuoka 795
On Plasticity Models for Analysis of Bridge Box Pier with Round Corners under Cyclic
E Yamaguchi, Y Goto, Norimitsu Kishi, M Komuro and K Abe 803
Elasto-Plastic Instability of Steel Compression Tubular Members Subjected to Cyclically
Applied Bi-Directional Horizontal Loads
Eiichi Watanabe, Kunitomo Sugiura and Walter 00yawa 809
Author Index 817
Keyword Index 821
Elsevier| 0080430031 | 1998 | PDF | 750 pages | 40 Mb

Thin-plated structures are used extensively in building construction, automobile, aircraft, shipbuilding and other industries because of a number of favourable factors such as high strength-weight ratio, development of new materials and processes and the availability of efficient analytical methods. This class of structure is made by joining thin plates together at their edges and they rely for their rigidity and strength upon the tremendous stiffness and load-carrying capacity of the flat plates from which they are made. Many of the problems encountered in these structures arise because of the effects of local buckling.
The knowledge of various facets of this phenomenon has increased dramatically since the 1960s. Problem areas which were hitherto either too complex for rigorous analysis or whose subtleties were not fully realized have in these years been subjected to intensive study. Great advances have been made in the areas of inelastic buckling. The growth in use of lightweight strong materials, such as fibre-reinforced plastics has also been a contributory factor towards the need for advances in the knowledge of the far post-buckling range.
The conference is a sequel to the international conference organised by the University of Strathclyde in December 1996 and this international gathering will provide the opportunity for discussion of recent developments and trends in design of thin-walled structures.
Smart Thin-Walled Structures
KP Chong and BK Wada 17
Light Gauge Steel Framing for House Construction
J Michael Davies 29
Ferrocement: A Cementitious Thin Wall Structural Elements- Research to Practice
P Paramasivam Design of Steel Arches
NS Trahair, Y-L Pi and JP Papangelis 41
Finite Strip Analysis of Shear Walls and Thin Plates with Abrupt Changes of Thickness by Using Modified Beam Vibration Modes
YK Cheung, FTK Au and D Y Zheng 53
Section I: Aluminium
Buckling of Aluminium Plates
M Langseth, OS Hopperstad and L Hanssen 67
Shear Strength of Welded Aluminium Plate Girders
A Bhogal and A W Davies 77
Strength of Aluminium Extrusions under Compression and Bending
OS Hopperstad, M Langseth and L Moen 85
Ultimate Strength of Stiffened Aluminium Plates
A Aalberg, M Langseth, OS Hopperstad and KA Malo 93
Section II: Cold-Formed and Light Gauge Steel Structures
A Comparison Between British and European Design Codes for Cold-Formed Thin-Gauged Structures
D B Moore and YC Wang 103
Behaviour of Cold-Formed Steel Wall Frame Systems Lined with Plasterboard
Yaip Telue and Mahen Mahendran 111
Buckling, Torsion and Biaxial Bending of Cold-Formed Steel Beams
NS Trahair, YL Pi and BM Put 121
Design of Slotted Light Gauge Studs
Torsten H6glund 129
Direct Strength Prediction of Cold-Formed Steel Members Using Numerical Elastic
Buckling Solutions
B W Schafer and T Pek6z 137
Ductile and Connection Behaviour of Thin G550 Sheet Steels
CA Rogers and GJ Hancock 145
Effect of Cold Forming on Compressed Carbon and Stainless Steel Struts
M Macdonald, J Rhodes and G T Taylor 153
Local Buckling of Partially Stiffened Type 3CR12 Stainless Steel Compression Elements in Beam Flanges
GJ van den Berg 161
Effects of Spot-Weld Spacing on the Axial Crushing of Closed-Hat Section Members
HF Wong, J Rhodes, J Zaras and S Ujihashi 173
Flexural Strength of Cold-Formed Steel Panels Using High-Strength, Low-Ductility Steel
Shaojie Wu, Wei-Wen Yu and Roger A LaBoube 181
Flexural-Torsional Stability of Thin-Walled Orthotropic Channel Section Beams
Mohammad Z Kabir 189
Inelastic Behaviour of Cold-Formed Channel Sections in Bending
V Enjily, RG Beale and MHR Godley 197
Inelastic Lateral Buckling of Cold-Formed Channel and Z-Section Beams
Yong-Lin Pi, Bogdan M Put and Nicholas S Trahair 205
Loading Capacity of Cold-Formed RHS Members Used in Multi-Story Buildings
Z Y Shen, YY Chen, SJ Pan, G Y Wang and Y Tang 213
Local Failures in Trapezoidal Steel Claddings
M Mahendran and RB Tang 221
Performance of Cold Formed Steel Angles under Fatigue Loading
S Kandasamy, GM Samuel Knight and Nagabhushana Rao 229
Quasi-Static Axial Crushing of Top-Hat and Double-Hat Thin-Walled Sections
Norman Jones and MD White 237
Structural Performance of Bolted Moment Connections Between Cold-Formed Steel
K F Chung and Y J Shi 245
Stability Design of Thin-Walled Members Including Local Buckling
F Werner, P Osterrieder and H Lehmkuhl 253
Section III: Composite and Ferrocement
Axial Crushing of Foam Filled Composite Conical Shells
NK Gupta and R Velmurugan 263
Buckling Failure of Titanium-Steel Composite Chimney Liner
RHR Tide and MH Darr 271
Influence of Geometric Imperfections and Lamination Defects on the Buckling Behaviour
of Composite Cylinders
N Panzeri and C Poggi 279
Influence of Shear Deformation on Geometrically Non-linear Deflections of Composite
Laminated Plates
TS Lok and Q H Cheng 289
Post-Buckling and First-Ply Failure of Thin-Walled Frames and Columns Made of
Composite Materials
Luis A Godoy, Leonel I Almanzar and Ever J Barbero 297
Progressive Damage Analysis of GRP Panels under Extreme Transverse Pressure Loading
SSJ Moy, RA Shenoi, HG Allen, Z-N Feng and GS Pahdi 305
Snap-Through Buckling of Plastic-Glassy Sheeting
SL Chan, AKW So and SW Yuen 313
Behaviour of Thin Walled Composite Beams and Columns
KMA Hossain, L Mol and HD Wright 321
Development of the 'Slimdek' System Using Deep Composite Decking
RM Lawson and DL Mullett 329
Geometric and Material Nonlinear Behaviour of Steel Plates in Thin-Walled Concrete Filled Box Columns
OO Liang and B Uy 339
Lateral-Distortional Buckling of Composite Cantilevers
MA Bradford 347
Lightweight Thin Walled Profiled Steel Sheeting/Dryboard (PSSDB) Composite Floor
WH Wan Badaruzzaman and HD Wright 355
Local Buckling of Cold Formed Steel Sections Filled with Concrete
BUy, HD Wright and AA Diedricks 367
The Dynamic Response of Filled Thin-Walled Steel Sections
HD Wright and A W Mohamed 375
A Study of Thin-Walled Ferrocement Elements for Prefabricated Housing
MA Mansur, KL Tan, AE Naaman and P Paramasivam 383
Long-Term Deformation Analysis of Thin-Walled Open-Profile RC Beams
WAM Alwis 391
Section IV: Compression Members
Design Procedures for Stub-Columns
KY Teo and SM Chou 401
Inelastic Bifurcation Analysis of Locally Buckled Channel Columns
B Young and K JR Rasmussen 409
Stability and Bracing of Thin-Walled Columns
Pratyoosh Gupta, ST Wang and George E Blandford 417
Influences of Welding Imperfections on Buckling/Ultimate Strength of Ship Bottom
Plating Subjected to Combined Bi-axial Thrust & Lateral Pressure
Tetsuya Yao, Masahiko Fufikubo, Daisuke Yanagihara, Balu Varghese and Osamu Niho 425
Post-Ultimate Behaviour of Stiffened Panels Subjected to Axial Compression
SR Cho, B-W Choi and I-C Song 433
Strength and Ductility of Steel Stiffened Plates under Cyclic Loading
liB Ge, T Usami and T Watanabe 441
Thin Plates Subjected to Uniformly Varying Edge-Displacements
NE Shanmugam and R Narayanan 449
Section V: Analysis and Design
Geometric Nonlinear Analysis of Diaphragm-Braced C-Purlins
YJ Zhu, YC Zhang and XL Liu 461
A Rectangular Plate Element for Ultimate Strength Analysis
Kofi Masaoka, Hiroo Okada and Yukio Ueda 469
General Solution for C-Shaped Bellows Overall-Bending Problems
WP Zhu, Q Huang, P Guo and WZ Chien 477
Advanced Inelastic Analysis of Thin-Walled Core-Braced Frames
JY Richard Liew, H Chen, CH Yu and NE Shanmugam 485
Investigation of Collapsed Rack Storage Systems
RHR Tide and FA Calabrese 493
Natural Frequencies and Mode Shapes of Thin-Walled Members under In-Plane Forces
M Ohga, K Nishimoto, T Shigematsu and T Hara 501
Non-linear Dynamic Analysis of Thin-Walled Tapered Towers with Concentrated Masses
G T Michaltsos and TG Konstandakopoulos 509
Optimal Design of Piecewise-Constant Thickness Circular Plates for Minimax
Axisymmetric Deflection
CM Wang and KK Ang 517
Analysis with Non-Orthogonal Functions for Anisotropic Shells
Kai-Yu Xu, Zhe-Wei Zhou and Wei-Zhang Chien 527
Transformations of Displacement and Force Quantities Between Systems of Axes and
Genetic Points of Rigid Open Cross-Sections
Risto Koivula 535
Numerical Modelling of Extended Endplate and Composite Flush Endplate Connections
S Troup, R Y Xiao and SSJ Moy 543
A Simple Nonlinear Frame Element and its Application to Postbuckling Analysis
YB Yang, SR Kuo, and SC Yang 553
Section VI: Perforated Members
Design of Perforated Plates under In-Plane Compression
V Thevendran, NE Shanmugam and YH Tan 563
Study on the Effect of Symmetrical Openings on the Ultimate Capacity of Lipped
Y Pu, MHR Godley, RG Beale and J Wallace 571
Tension Buckling of Plates Having a Hole under Combined Loadings
S Shimizu and H Nishimura 579
Ultimate Strength of Cylindrical Tubular Columns with Circular Perforation
S Murakami, N Nishimura, S Takeuchi, H Inoguchi and K Jikuya 587
Section VII: Shells and Pressure Vessels
The Buckling Behaviour of Horizontal Storage Vessels - Experiments and Codes
AS Tooth, J Spence and GCM Chan 597
Buckling Strength of T-Section Transition Ringbeams in Elevated Steel Silos and Tanks
JG Teng and F Chan 605
Cylindrical Shells Subjected to Vertical Edge Deformation and Internal Pressure
M Jonaidi, M Chaaya and P Ansourian 613
Inelastic Buckling of a Layered Conical Shell
J Zielnica 621
Modelling Methodologies with Beam Finite Elements for Collapse Analysis of Tubular
Members/Cylindrical Shells
B Skallerud and J Amdahl 629
Nonlinear Vibration and Dynamic Instability of Thin Shallow Conical Shells
YE Zhiming 639
Evaluation of the Principal Stresses in a Deaerator Vessel of a Thermoelectric Power
NS Maia, EB Medeiros and TR Mansur 647
Strength of Reticulated Shells Designed by Second-Order Elastic Analysis
S Kato, I Mutoh and Y Matsunaga 655
Stresses in Elastic Cylindrical Shells under Wind Load
Martin Pircher, Werner Guggenberger, Richard Greiner and Russell Bridge 663
The Influence of Weld-Induced Residual Stresses on the Buckling of Cylindrical
Thin-Walled Shells
Martin Pircher, Martin O'Shea and Russell Bridge 671
Bending Effects on Instabilities of Internally Pressurised Tubes Modelled by a Nonlocal Membrane Theory
Lars Pilgaard Mikkelsen and Viggo Tvergaard 679
Section VIII: Shear and Bending
An Experimental Study of Viscoplasticity-Creep Interaction of Thin-Walled Tubes under
Pure Bending
WF Pan and CM Hsu 689
Dynamic Equilibriums of Nonprismatic Thin-Walled Beams Considering the Effects of
Transverse Shear Deformations Defined on an Arbitrary Coordinate System
CN Chen 697
Lateral Buckling Capacities of Thin-Walled Monosymmetric I-Beams
M Kubo and H Kitahori 705
Post Buckling Deformations of Rectangular Hollow Sections in Bending
Frode Paulsen and Torgeir Welo 713
A Unified Method for Calculating Shear Stresses in Thin-Walled Sections
Ali H Khan and Mark J Sharrock 723
Influence of Shear Buckling on the Ductility of Steel Members
loannis Vayas 733
Qualities and Use of Beams with Expanded Metal
M Hellsten 741
Section IX: Tubular Members and Bridge Piers
Blast Loading of Offshore Structural Members Using Novel Experimental Techniques
SS Hsu, MD White and GK Schleyer 753
Lateral (Diametral) Crushing of Steel Circular Cylindrical Tubes, Welded to the Platens 761
SV Khonsari and SMH Parvinnia
Quasi-Static Axial Compression of Thin-Walled Circular Metal Tubes Including Effects
of Foam Filling
SR Guillow and G Lu 771
Cyclic Loading Test of Steel Octagonal Section Pier Models
M Suzuki and T Aoki 779
Elasto-Plastic Behavior of Steel-Pipe Pier Models under Lateral Cyclic Loading
H Koeda, S Ono, N Kishi and Y Goto 787
Experimental Study on Elasto-Plastic Dynamic Behavior of Steel-Pipe Pier Models
N Kishi, H Koeda, M Komuro and KG Matsuoka 795
On Plasticity Models for Analysis of Bridge Box Pier with Round Corners under Cyclic
E Yamaguchi, Y Goto, Norimitsu Kishi, M Komuro and K Abe 803
Elasto-Plastic Instability of Steel Compression Tubular Members Subjected to Cyclically
Applied Bi-Directional Horizontal Loads
Eiichi Watanabe, Kunitomo Sugiura and Walter 00yawa 809
Author Index 817
Keyword Index 821