Adam Sharr
Routledge | 0415415179 | 2007 | PDF | 130 pages | 940 Mb

Informing the designs of architects as diverse as Peter Zumthor, Steven Holl, Hans Scharoun and Colin St. John Wilson, the work of Martin Heidegger has proved of great interest to architects and architectural theorists.
The first introduction to Heidegger’s philosophy written specifically for architects and students of architecture introduces key themes in his thinking, which has proved highly influential among architects as well as architectural historians and theorists. This guide familiarizes readers with significant texts and helps to decodes terms as well as providing quick referencing for further reading.
This concise introduction is ideal for students of architecture in design studio at all levels; students of architecture pursuing undergraduate and postgraduate courses in architectural theory; academics and interested architectural practitioners. Heidegger for Architects is the second book in the new Thinkers for Architects series.
1 Introduction 1
2 A Mountain Walk 6
3 Placing Heidegger 15
4 Heidegger’s Thinking on Architecture 21
‘The Thing’ 23
Nearness 24
So it seems 26
Thing and object 29
Fourfold: the preconditions of existence 30
Gathering 34
Being close to things 34
‘Building Dwelling Thinking’ 36
Architecture is not enough 37
Building and dwelling 38
Building, dwelling and fourfold 43
The bridge 46
Defining place in German and in English 50
How a place happens 52
The edges of places 55
Valuing experience over mathematics 58
Projecting places 62
The Black Forest farmhouse 65
Romantic provincialism 72
‘. . . Poetically, Man Dwells . . .’ 75
Poetic measuring 76
Making sense 82
Authenticity 87
5 Heidegger and Architects 91
Steamy waters 91
Professional expertise 97
Another tradition of modern architecture 99
Representation and meaning 101
Regionalism 104
Choreographing experience 105
Phenomenology and politics 111
Imagination infected 114
Further Reading 115
Bibliography 117
Index 123
Routledge | 0415415179 | 2007 | PDF | 130 pages | 940 Mb

Informing the designs of architects as diverse as Peter Zumthor, Steven Holl, Hans Scharoun and Colin St. John Wilson, the work of Martin Heidegger has proved of great interest to architects and architectural theorists.
The first introduction to Heidegger’s philosophy written specifically for architects and students of architecture introduces key themes in his thinking, which has proved highly influential among architects as well as architectural historians and theorists. This guide familiarizes readers with significant texts and helps to decodes terms as well as providing quick referencing for further reading.
This concise introduction is ideal for students of architecture in design studio at all levels; students of architecture pursuing undergraduate and postgraduate courses in architectural theory; academics and interested architectural practitioners. Heidegger for Architects is the second book in the new Thinkers for Architects series.
1 Introduction 1
2 A Mountain Walk 6
3 Placing Heidegger 15
4 Heidegger’s Thinking on Architecture 21
‘The Thing’ 23
Nearness 24
So it seems 26
Thing and object 29
Fourfold: the preconditions of existence 30
Gathering 34
Being close to things 34
‘Building Dwelling Thinking’ 36
Architecture is not enough 37
Building and dwelling 38
Building, dwelling and fourfold 43
The bridge 46
Defining place in German and in English 50
How a place happens 52
The edges of places 55
Valuing experience over mathematics 58
Projecting places 62
The Black Forest farmhouse 65
Romantic provincialism 72
‘. . . Poetically, Man Dwells . . .’ 75
Poetic measuring 76
Making sense 82
Authenticity 87
5 Heidegger and Architects 91
Steamy waters 91
Professional expertise 97
Another tradition of modern architecture 99
Representation and meaning 101
Regionalism 104
Choreographing experience 105
Phenomenology and politics 111
Imagination infected 114
Further Reading 115
Bibliography 117
Index 123