CRC Press |2008 |PDF | 312 pages | 10 Mb
Bamboo materials are well available in the world. Bamboo has much shorter maturity than trees, thus can be harvested with shorter cycles of plantation. Despite the fact that human society has a long history of using bamboo, there is still a lack of modern and industrialized application of bamboo materials in construction. Promoting the application of bamboo in construction could provide a potential solution to the sustainable, green and environment-friendly development of construction industry.
Modern Bamboo Structures is the first of its kind covering the applications of bamboo materials in modern structures. These proceedings of the First International Conference on Modern Bamboo Structures (ICBS-2007, Changsha, China, 28-30 October 2007) include the state-of-the-art on materials, design, analysis, testing, manufacturing, construction of modern bamboo structures. Modern Bamboo Structures will be essential for researchers, engineers and administrators involved in structural engineering, civil engineering, agriculture engineering, forestry, environmental engineering and urban development.
Bamboo: Low cost and energy saving construction materials 5
Bamboo in construction 23
Engineered bamboo as a building material 33
Development of a new type Glulam—GluBam 41
Regional Report
Development of bamboo structure in India 51
Conceptual development of bamboo concrete composite structure in a typical Tribal Belt, India 65
Bamboo design workshop expressions with bamboo material 75
Investigating laminated bamboo lumber as an alternate to wood lumber in residential construction in the United States 83
Preservation of bamboo forest by local citizens in Kitakyushu City, Japan 97
An experiment with a locally constructed bouccherie treatment plant in Nepal 103
Patent analysis of bamboo exploitation and utilization in China 111
Material properties
Mechanical properties of Colombian glued laminated bamboo 121
Manufacture of drift pins and boards made from bamboo fiber for timber structures 129
Reinforcement using bamboo board and rod around bolt hole at fastener joint in timber structure 139
Flexural properties of bamboo sliver laminated lumber under different hygrothermal conditions 151
Experimental study on flexural behavior of glulam and laminated veneer lumber beams 159
Effects of machine strength grading methods on dimension lumber grades for Chinese fir plantation 171
The research of joint composed by laminated bamboo lumber 181
Structural applications of bamboo
Application of bamboo connector to timber structure—Introduction of construction
and dismantlement of Japanese government pavilion Nagakute in Expo 2005 Aichi, Japan 191
Small bamboo structure made by architecture students at the University of Kitakyushu, Japan 201
Development of prefabricated bamboo mobile house 209
Design and construction of a two-story modern bamboo house 215
Prefabricated low cost housing using bamboo reinforcement and appropriate technology 223
Design and construction of a modern bamboo pedestrian bridge 231
Construction of world first truck-safe modern bamboo bridge 239
Composites of bamboo and other materials
Experimental verifi cation of bamboo-concrete composite bow beam with ferro-cement bond 247
Experimental verifi cation of bamboo-concrete composite column with ferro-cement bond 253
Wind analysis of bamboo based shed structure and design of base connection for bambcrete column 259
Status and future of the wood-bamboo composite panel industry in China 267
Experimental study of mechanical behavior of bamboo-steel composite floor slabs 275
Chemical composition analysis of hybrid bamboo 285
Preliminary study on the application of bamboo in blast protective wall 291