R. Huang
CRC | 0415471613 | 2008 | PDF | 360 pages | 13 Mb

One of the worlds currently largests tunnel projects is under construction at the Yangtze River estuary: the Shanghai Yangtze River Tunnel project, with its length of 8950 m and a diameter of 15.43 m. The Shanghai Yangtze River Tunnel. Theory, Design and Construction, which was presented as a special issue at the occasion of the 6th International Symposium Geotechnical Aspects of Underground Construction in Soft Ground (IS-Shanghai, China, 10-12 April 2008), contains a comprehensive collection of papers dedicated to one of the most complex underground works recently undertaken, and covers a variety of topics: Experiment and design; Construction and monitoring; Theoretical analysis and numerical simulation; Risk asssessment, and Project management. This book will be invaluable to scientists and engineers working in the analysis, design, construction and management of tunnels in soft ground.
Selected Contents: Preface;
Keynote lecture;
Special lectures;
Experiment and design;
Construction technology and monitoring;
Theoretical analysis and numerical simulation;
Risk assessment and management;
Author index
CRC | 0415471613 | 2008 | PDF | 360 pages | 13 Mb
One of the worlds currently largests tunnel projects is under construction at the Yangtze River estuary: the Shanghai Yangtze River Tunnel project, with its length of 8950 m and a diameter of 15.43 m. The Shanghai Yangtze River Tunnel. Theory, Design and Construction, which was presented as a special issue at the occasion of the 6th International Symposium Geotechnical Aspects of Underground Construction in Soft Ground (IS-Shanghai, China, 10-12 April 2008), contains a comprehensive collection of papers dedicated to one of the most complex underground works recently undertaken, and covers a variety of topics: Experiment and design; Construction and monitoring; Theoretical analysis and numerical simulation; Risk asssessment, and Project management. This book will be invaluable to scientists and engineers working in the analysis, design, construction and management of tunnels in soft ground.
Selected Contents: Preface;
Keynote lecture;
Special lectures;
Experiment and design;
Construction technology and monitoring;
Theoretical analysis and numerical simulation;
Risk assessment and management;
Author index