Pietro Lunardi
Springer | 3540738746 | 2008 | PDF | 576 pages | 60 Mb

This work illustrates how the Analysis of Controlled Deformation in Rocks and Soils (ADECO-RS) is used in the design and the construction of tunnels.
The ADECO-RS approach makes a clear distinction between the design and the construction stages and allows reliable forecasts of construction times and costs to be made. It uses the advance core (the core of ground ahead of the face) as a structural tool for the long and short term stabilisation of tunnels, after its rigidity has first been regulated using conservation techniques. Tunnels can consequently be driven in difficult stress-strain conditions to predetermined safety standards with operations industrialised and scheduled precisely.
Thanks to this approach design engineers have been able to employ industrial criteria in tunnel excavation, even under extremely difficult stress-strain conditions.
1 The dynamics of tunnel advance 3
1.1 The basic concepts 3
1.2 The medium 7
1.3 The action 9
1.4 The reaction 11
2 The deformation response of the medium to excavation 15
2.1 The experimental and theoretical research 15
2.2 The advance core as a stabilisation instrument 65
2.3 The advance core as a point of reference for tunnel specifications 66
3 Analysis of the deformation response according to the ADECO-RS approach 69
3.1 Experimental and theoretical studies 69
3.2 Numerical analyses 83
3.3 Results of the experimental and theoretical analyses of the deformation response 91
4 Control of the deformation response according to the ADECO-RS approach 93
4.1 Control ahead of the face 95
4.2 Control in the tunnel back from the face 95
5 The analysis of controlled deformation in rocks and soils approach 105
6 The survey phase 121
7 The diagnosis phase 153
7.1 Background 153
7.2 The basic concepts of the diagnosis stage 153
7.3 Identification of sections with uniform stress-strain behaviour 155
7.4 Calculation methods for predicting the behaviour category 159
7.5 Assessing the development of the deformation response 165
7.6 Portals 167
7.7 Final considerations 173
8 The therapy phase 175
8.1 Background 175
8.2 Basic concepts of the therapy phase 177
8.3 Excavation systems 183
8.4 Mechanised or conventional excavation? 185
8.5 Tunnel boring machines in relation to the confinement action they exert 191
8.6 Design using conventional excavation 195
8.7 Stabilisation intervention
8.8 Composition of typical longitudinal and cross sections 209
8.9 Construction variabilities 217
8.10 The dimensions and verification of tunnel section types
8.11 Particular aspects of the therapy phase 225
8.12 Final considerations 237
The construction stage
9 The operational phase 241
9.1 Background 241
9.2 The basic concepts of the operational phase 241
9.3 Excavation 243
9.4 Cavity preconfinement intervention 247
9.5 Cavity confinement intervention 301
9.6 Waterproofing 317
10 The monitoring phase 321
10.1 Background 321
10.2 Basic concepts 323
10.3 Measurement stations 325
10.4 The design of the system for monitoring during construction 333
10.5 Monitoring the tunnel when in service 337
10.6 The interpretation of measurements 343
10.7 Back-analysis procedures 355
Final considerations 371
Introduction to the appendices 383
Appendix A The design and construction of tunnels for the new Rome-Naples high speed/capacity railway line ... 385
Appendix B The design and construction of tunnels for the new Bologna-Florence high speed/capacity railway line 413
Appendix C The Tartaiguille tunnel 453
Appendix D Cellular arch technology 471
Appendix E Artificial Ground Overburdens (A.G.O.) 493
Appendix F Portals in difficult ground 509
Appendix G Widening road, motorway and railway tunnels without interrupting use 539
Springer | 3540738746 | 2008 | PDF | 576 pages | 60 Mb
This work illustrates how the Analysis of Controlled Deformation in Rocks and Soils (ADECO-RS) is used in the design and the construction of tunnels.
The ADECO-RS approach makes a clear distinction between the design and the construction stages and allows reliable forecasts of construction times and costs to be made. It uses the advance core (the core of ground ahead of the face) as a structural tool for the long and short term stabilisation of tunnels, after its rigidity has first been regulated using conservation techniques. Tunnels can consequently be driven in difficult stress-strain conditions to predetermined safety standards with operations industrialised and scheduled precisely.
Thanks to this approach design engineers have been able to employ industrial criteria in tunnel excavation, even under extremely difficult stress-strain conditions.
1 The dynamics of tunnel advance 3
1.1 The basic concepts 3
1.2 The medium 7
1.3 The action 9
1.4 The reaction 11
2 The deformation response of the medium to excavation 15
2.1 The experimental and theoretical research 15
2.2 The advance core as a stabilisation instrument 65
2.3 The advance core as a point of reference for tunnel specifications 66
3 Analysis of the deformation response according to the ADECO-RS approach 69
3.1 Experimental and theoretical studies 69
3.2 Numerical analyses 83
3.3 Results of the experimental and theoretical analyses of the deformation response 91
4 Control of the deformation response according to the ADECO-RS approach 93
4.1 Control ahead of the face 95
4.2 Control in the tunnel back from the face 95
5 The analysis of controlled deformation in rocks and soils approach 105
6 The survey phase 121
7 The diagnosis phase 153
7.1 Background 153
7.2 The basic concepts of the diagnosis stage 153
7.3 Identification of sections with uniform stress-strain behaviour 155
7.4 Calculation methods for predicting the behaviour category 159
7.5 Assessing the development of the deformation response 165
7.6 Portals 167
7.7 Final considerations 173
8 The therapy phase 175
8.1 Background 175
8.2 Basic concepts of the therapy phase 177
8.3 Excavation systems 183
8.4 Mechanised or conventional excavation? 185
8.5 Tunnel boring machines in relation to the confinement action they exert 191
8.6 Design using conventional excavation 195
8.7 Stabilisation intervention
8.8 Composition of typical longitudinal and cross sections 209
8.9 Construction variabilities 217
8.10 The dimensions and verification of tunnel section types
8.11 Particular aspects of the therapy phase 225
8.12 Final considerations 237
The construction stage
9 The operational phase 241
9.1 Background 241
9.2 The basic concepts of the operational phase 241
9.3 Excavation 243
9.4 Cavity preconfinement intervention 247
9.5 Cavity confinement intervention 301
9.6 Waterproofing 317
10 The monitoring phase 321
10.1 Background 321
10.2 Basic concepts 323
10.3 Measurement stations 325
10.4 The design of the system for monitoring during construction 333
10.5 Monitoring the tunnel when in service 337
10.6 The interpretation of measurements 343
10.7 Back-analysis procedures 355
Final considerations 371
Introduction to the appendices 383
Appendix A The design and construction of tunnels for the new Rome-Naples high speed/capacity railway line ... 385
Appendix B The design and construction of tunnels for the new Bologna-Florence high speed/capacity railway line 413
Appendix C The Tartaiguille tunnel 453
Appendix D Cellular arch technology 471
Appendix E Artificial Ground Overburdens (A.G.O.) 493
Appendix F Portals in difficult ground 509
Appendix G Widening road, motorway and railway tunnels without interrupting use 539