D. Chappell
Wiley-Blackwell | 140513514X | 2006 | PDF | 296 pages | 860 Kb

This book provides over 160 model letters, with commentary for use with all the main JCT 2005 building contracts. It concentrates on problems which can arise during a project, and draws on the author’s extensive experience as a contracts consultant. It is a companion to the author’s Standard Letters in Architectural Practice which covers more routine matters.
The revised Fourth Edition takes account of:
the 2005 editions of the JCT Standard Building Contract, the Intermediate Building Contract and the Minor Works Building Contract, both with their contractor’s design versions, ICD and MWD
the 2004 updates of the Standard Form of Agreement for the Appointment of an Architect
changes to case law since the last edition was published in 1996
It will be an invaluable guide for architects, building surveyors and project managers.
Strategic brief;
Outline proposals;
Detail proposals;
Final proposals;
Production information;
Tender documentation;
Tender action;
Construction to practical completion;
After practical completion;
'This book appeals to both practitioners and non-practitioners of procurement and contractual procedures and should be essential reading for both students on the undergraduate built environment-related degrees and practitioners involved within the project life-cycle'
Building Engineer May 2006
Wiley-Blackwell | 140513514X | 2006 | PDF | 296 pages | 860 Kb
This book provides over 160 model letters, with commentary for use with all the main JCT 2005 building contracts. It concentrates on problems which can arise during a project, and draws on the author’s extensive experience as a contracts consultant. It is a companion to the author’s Standard Letters in Architectural Practice which covers more routine matters.
The revised Fourth Edition takes account of:
the 2005 editions of the JCT Standard Building Contract, the Intermediate Building Contract and the Minor Works Building Contract, both with their contractor’s design versions, ICD and MWD
the 2004 updates of the Standard Form of Agreement for the Appointment of an Architect
changes to case law since the last edition was published in 1996
It will be an invaluable guide for architects, building surveyors and project managers.
Strategic brief;
Outline proposals;
Detail proposals;
Final proposals;
Production information;
Tender documentation;
Tender action;
Construction to practical completion;
After practical completion;
'This book appeals to both practitioners and non-practitioners of procurement and contractual procedures and should be essential reading for both students on the undergraduate built environment-related degrees and practitioners involved within the project life-cycle'
Building Engineer May 2006