Butterworth-Heinemann |2008 |PDF | 256 pages | 6 Mb
The plastic analysis method has been used extensively by engineers for designing steel structures. Simpler structures can be analyzed using the basic virtual work formulation, but more complex frames are evaluated with specialist computer software. This new book sets out a method for carrying out plastic analysis of complex structures without the need for specialist tools.
The book provides an introduction to the use of linear programming techniques for plastic analysis. This powerful and advanced method for plastic analysis is important in an automated computational environment, in particular for non-linear structural analysis.
A detailed comparison between the design codes for the United States and Australia and the emerging European Eurocodes enables practising engineers to understand the issues involved in plastic design procedures and the limitations imposed by this design method.
1. Structural Analysis—Stiffness Method 1
2. Plastic Behavior of Structures 55
3. Plastic Flow Rule and Elastoplastic Analysis 81
4. Incremental Elastoplastic Analysis—Hinge by Hinge Method 107
5. Manual Methods of Plastic Analysis 139
6. Limit Analysis by Linear Programming 163
7. Factors Affecting Plastic Collapse 195
8. Design Consideration 219