M. Anson, J.M. Ko, E.S.S. Lam
Elsevier | 0080441009 | 2002 | PDF | 1896 pages | 95 Mb

This set of proceedings is based on the International Conference on Advances in Building Technology in Hong Kong on 4-6 December 2002. The two volumes of proceedings contain 9 invited keynote papers, 72 papers delivered by 11 teams , and 133 contributed papers from over 20 countries around the world. The papers cover a wide spectrum of topics across the three technology sub-themes of structures and construction, environment, and information technology. The variety within these categories spans a width of topics, and these proceedings provide readers with a good general overview of recent advances in building research.
Volume 1
Keynote Papers
. Advances in materials and mechanics (K.P. Chong et al.). Human requirements in future air-conditioned environments (P.O. Fanger). Advances in IT for building design (J.S. Gero). Thermal radiation effects and their determination in room fires (K.T. Yang).
Advances in Panel Systems
. Wood frame shear walls with metal plate connected framework (R.N. Emerson). Toward engineering design of gypsum board fire barriers (O.M. Friday, S.M. Cramer). Novel microcellular plastics for lightweight and energy efficient building applications (K. Nadella et al.). Mechanical, physical, and biological properties of borate-modified oriented strandboard (Q. Wu et al.).
Commissioning and Energy Management
. Re-commissioning of an air handling unit (C. Cuevas et al.). Automated commissioning of air-handling units using fuzzy air temperature sensors (P.S. Lee, A.L. Dexter). Modeling of package air-conditioning equipment (M. Reichler et al.). Automatic diagnosis and commissioning of central chilling systems (S.W. Wang).
Composite Construction
. Design of simply-supported and continuous beams in steel-concrete composite construction (P.A. Berry, M. Patrick). Innovations in composite slabs incorporating profiled steel sheeting (R.Q. Bridge, M. Patrick). Web-side-plate framing connections in both steel and composite construction (M. Patrick et al.). The influence of material properties on the local buckling of concrete filled steel tubes (A. Wheeler, M. Pircher).
Composites for Housing
. Low-cost, bio-based composite materials for housing applications (L.T. Drzal et al.). Extruded fiber-reinforced composite (B. Mu et al.). Reversed in-plane cyclic behavior of post-tensioned clay brick masonry walls for high performance modular housing (O.A. Rosenboom, M.J. Kowalsky). Comparison of optimal designs for stick-frame wall assemblies of different bay sizes (S. Van Desse et al.).
Earthquake Resistant Theory and Applications
. A macro-model of RC shear wall for push-over analysis (Q. Chen, J.R. Qian). Experimental investigation on axial compressive behavior of FRP confined concrete columns (J. Li et al.). Rules of drift decomposition and drift-based design of RC frames (W.B. Luo, J.R. Qian). A preliminary study of structural semiactive control using variable dampers (R.L. Yang et al.).
Flexible Manufacturing System in Construction
. Dynamic monitoring of the boring trajectory in underground channel for driving communications (A. Bulgakow et al.). Embedded system and augmented reality in facility management (T. Bock et al.). Assembly and disassembly of interior wall (A. Hanser). MUNITEC-fast-connectors - key technology for prefab houses (F. Prochiner).
Industrialized Housing
. Initial Thoughts on industrialised solution for low-cost housing in China's rural area (K. Guan, S.R. Li). Industrialized housing construction - The UK experience (R. Howes). A perspective of industrialised housing in Chongqing (S.R. Li). Impact on structure of labour market resulting from large-scale implementation of prefabrication (C.M. Tam).
Research at the ATLSS Center on New Materials and Systems to Resist Earthquakes and Wind
. Steel moment frame connections that achieve ductile performance (J.W. Fisher et al.). Lateral load behavior of unbonded post-tensioned precast concrete walls (F.J. Perez et al.). Design of high strength spiral reinforcement in concrete compression members (S. Pessiki et al.). Modelling and behavior of composite MRFs with concrete filled steel tubular columns subject to earthquake loading (J.M. Ricles et al.).
Smart Structures for Dynamic Hazard Mitigation
. Stochastic approach to control and identification of smart structures (J.L. Beck,K.-V. Yuen). Structural health monitoring system using support vector machine (H. Hagiwara, A. Mita). Hybrid response control of closely spaced buildings (G.C. Lee et al.). Phenomenological model of large-scale MR damper systems (G. Yang et al.).
Structural Analysis Research at the Beijing Polytechnic University
. The practical anti-earthquake optimum design of civil infrastructure network system (Y.Y. Chen, G.Y. Wang). Earthquake analysis of arch dam including dam-foundation rock nonlinear dynamic interaction (X.L. Du et al.). Evaluation of ground vibration induced by subway (L.J. Tao et al.). The method of calculating the interior force of soil nails and case analysis (Q.X. Zhang et al.).
Structural Bamboo and Bamboo Scaffolding in Building Construction
. Stability of modular steel scaffolding systems - theory and verification (A.Y.T. Chu et al.). Reliability analysis for mechanical properties of structural bamboo (M. Lu et al.). Erection of bamboo scaffolds and their recent developments (F. So). Full scale tests of bamboo scaffolds for design development against instability (W.K. Yu et al.).
Construction Technologies/Plants
. Causes of lumps and balls in high slump truck-mixed concrete: an experimental investigation (I. Ahmad et al.). Review of design and construction innovations in Hong Kong public housing (D.W.M. Chan, A.P.C. Chan). Static loading test of a self-balanced approach to a pile in the Yangtze river ( G.L. Dai et al.). Novel three-step consolidation method to eliminate foundation soil liquefying (M. Xie, Z.X. Xie).
Earthquake Engineering
. Testing of a transfer plate by pseudo-dynamic test method with substructure technique (A. Chen et al.). Seismic assessment of low-rise building with transfer structure (J.H. Li et al.). Ultimate drift ratio of non-ductile coupling beams (Z.Q. Liu et al.). Simplified method and parametric sensitivity analysis for soil-pile dynamic interaction under lateral seismic loading ( X.C. Xiao et al.).
FRP Composite, Retrofit and Repair Technologies Engineering
. FRP reinforced ECC structural members under reversed cyclic loading conditions (G. Fischer, V.C. Li). Effect of size on the failure of FRP strengthened reinforced concrete beams (C.K.Y. Leung et al.). Application of GFRP rebar in civil structures (Z.J. Li, Z.J. Zhang). Rehabilitation of reinforced concrete columns be external plate bonding (B. Uy).
High Performance Concrete/Composites
. Numerical simulation of thermal cracking of cement-based multi-inclusion composite (Y.F. Fu et al.). High performance fibre reinforced concrete (S. Mindess, A.J. Boyd). Performance test of a model for predicting strength development of fly ash-concrete (M.A. Tahir, P. Nimityongskul). Study on phosphogypsum fly ash lime solidified material (M.K. Zhou et al.).
Volume 2
Monitoring Technologies, Damage Detection and Vibration Control
. On the local optimal control counterforces in active controlled structures (N.D. Anh, L.D. Viet). Hybrid platform for high tech equipment against traffic-induced vibration (H.J. Liu et al.). Seismic design method of structures with active variable stiffness systems (B. Wu et al.). Parameter optimization of multi-TMDS for wind-excited vibration suppression of tall buildings (G. Zheng et al.).
Structural Systems and Design
.Steel Joists for Cost effective flooring system (M. Aladesaye et al.). Post-tensioned concrete floor systems in Australia (A. Charalambous et al.). The development of factory produced housing (J. Miles et al.). Effect of the shear wall cutoff on storey drifts of frame-shear wall structures (Q.F. Wang et al.).
Wind Engineering
. Hilbert-Huang transform for damping ratio identification of structures with closely spaced modes of vibration (J. Chen, Y.L. Xu). Discussion on dynamic coefficients for wind-resistant design in single-layer reticulated shells (Y.Q. Li). Wind modeling in BLWT and discussion on several problems (Y.Q. Li et al.). The effects of wind-induced dynamic response by added air mass for membrane structures (B.N. Sun et al.).
Advanced Performance Modelling
. Parametrization study on the operating efficiency of air-cooled chillers (K.T. Chan, F.W. Yu). The design of highly glazed facades and their environmental impact (P. Jones). Local study of the influence of a numerical thermal manikin of the air flow pattern and temperature field of a space (K. Kippenberg-Kretzer, P. Jones). Analysis of natural ventilation effect for an office building considering moisture absorption by materials (H. Yoshida, T. Kono).
Energy/Water Conservation in Buildings
.Friendly interface and data transfer for engineering assessment of building design options at sketch design stage "EnergySave" (A. Bennadji et al.). Mechanically ventilated double skin facades (M. Kragh). Low energy building materials: an overview (A.M. Omer). The applications of solar heat transfer and solar electricity transfer in building (W. Zhang, H.Z. Yuan).
Fire Safety Engineering
. Intumescent fire protection coating thickness for shallow floor beams (W. Sha, T.M. Chan).
Indoor Environmental Control
. The airflow around and inside high-rise residential buildings in Hong Kong (M. Bojic et al.). Application of titanium dioxide in refuse collection point (K.F. Lau et al.). Maximizing the ventilation rate for cooling energy reduction (M. Udagawa, H. Roh). Improvements of indoor humidity performance by a novel air-conditioning scheme: chilled-ceiling combined with desiccant cooling (L.Z. Zhang, J.L. Niu).
Recycling Technologies
. The eco-costs/value-ratio (Ch.F. Hendriks et al.). Strength of concretes prepared with natural and recycled aggregates at different moisture conditions (C.S. Poon et al.). Balance theory for recycling of construction and demolition wastes (E.O.W. Wong, R.C.P. Yip). Improve the quality of construction and demolition waste by separation techniques (W. Xing et al.).
Sustainable Building
. Sustainable bearing structures (M.J.P. Arets, A.A.J.F. van den Dobbelsteen). Innovations in the design of housing developments in Hong Kong (J.N. Horsfield et al.). Life-cycle analysis and environmental impact assessment of heating and air-conditioning systems (M. Prek). Defining the reference for environmental performance (A.A.J.F. van den Dobbelsteen et al.).
Building Process Integration/Coordination
. Constructing the future (T.W. Broyd). Mobile communications - the next great modifier of our homes, workplaces and cities (B. Southwood). Online remote construction management (ORCM)(A. Weippert et al.). Raised floor system: a paradigm of future office building fitout? (G. Zhang et al.).
Graphics and Virtual Reality Applications
. A new 3D reconstruction technique and its application in measuring building quantities (Y. Cao, H. Li). Virtual planning environment based on internet (N.C. Chen et al.). Modeling of complicated structures in a virtual reality environment (A.Z. Ren et al.).
GIS/GPS Applications
. A new generation of multi-antenna GPS system for landslide and structural deformation monitoring (X.L. Ding et al.). Data model and 3D visualization of underground pipeline (Q.Q. Li et al.). GPS navigation and guidance systems for construction industry (G. Retscher, E. Mok). An integrated system for slope monitoring and warning in Hong Kong (J.H. Yin et al.).
Project Management Support Systems
. Decision model for the selection of demolition techniques (A. Abdullah, C.J. Anumba). A survey management system for advanced building construction (S.Y.W. Lam, C.H.W. Tang). Agent-based specification and procurements of construction products (E.A. Obonyo et al.). A prototype of knowledge-based decision support system for construction cost management (P.X.W. Zou, C.C.X. Wang).
Elsevier | 0080441009 | 2002 | PDF | 1896 pages | 95 Mb
This set of proceedings is based on the International Conference on Advances in Building Technology in Hong Kong on 4-6 December 2002. The two volumes of proceedings contain 9 invited keynote papers, 72 papers delivered by 11 teams , and 133 contributed papers from over 20 countries around the world. The papers cover a wide spectrum of topics across the three technology sub-themes of structures and construction, environment, and information technology. The variety within these categories spans a width of topics, and these proceedings provide readers with a good general overview of recent advances in building research.
Volume 1
Keynote Papers
. Advances in materials and mechanics (K.P. Chong et al.). Human requirements in future air-conditioned environments (P.O. Fanger). Advances in IT for building design (J.S. Gero). Thermal radiation effects and their determination in room fires (K.T. Yang).
Advances in Panel Systems
. Wood frame shear walls with metal plate connected framework (R.N. Emerson). Toward engineering design of gypsum board fire barriers (O.M. Friday, S.M. Cramer). Novel microcellular plastics for lightweight and energy efficient building applications (K. Nadella et al.). Mechanical, physical, and biological properties of borate-modified oriented strandboard (Q. Wu et al.).
Commissioning and Energy Management
. Re-commissioning of an air handling unit (C. Cuevas et al.). Automated commissioning of air-handling units using fuzzy air temperature sensors (P.S. Lee, A.L. Dexter). Modeling of package air-conditioning equipment (M. Reichler et al.). Automatic diagnosis and commissioning of central chilling systems (S.W. Wang).
Composite Construction
. Design of simply-supported and continuous beams in steel-concrete composite construction (P.A. Berry, M. Patrick). Innovations in composite slabs incorporating profiled steel sheeting (R.Q. Bridge, M. Patrick). Web-side-plate framing connections in both steel and composite construction (M. Patrick et al.). The influence of material properties on the local buckling of concrete filled steel tubes (A. Wheeler, M. Pircher).
Composites for Housing
. Low-cost, bio-based composite materials for housing applications (L.T. Drzal et al.). Extruded fiber-reinforced composite (B. Mu et al.). Reversed in-plane cyclic behavior of post-tensioned clay brick masonry walls for high performance modular housing (O.A. Rosenboom, M.J. Kowalsky). Comparison of optimal designs for stick-frame wall assemblies of different bay sizes (S. Van Desse et al.).
Earthquake Resistant Theory and Applications
. A macro-model of RC shear wall for push-over analysis (Q. Chen, J.R. Qian). Experimental investigation on axial compressive behavior of FRP confined concrete columns (J. Li et al.). Rules of drift decomposition and drift-based design of RC frames (W.B. Luo, J.R. Qian). A preliminary study of structural semiactive control using variable dampers (R.L. Yang et al.).
Flexible Manufacturing System in Construction
. Dynamic monitoring of the boring trajectory in underground channel for driving communications (A. Bulgakow et al.). Embedded system and augmented reality in facility management (T. Bock et al.). Assembly and disassembly of interior wall (A. Hanser). MUNITEC-fast-connectors - key technology for prefab houses (F. Prochiner).
Industrialized Housing
. Initial Thoughts on industrialised solution for low-cost housing in China's rural area (K. Guan, S.R. Li). Industrialized housing construction - The UK experience (R. Howes). A perspective of industrialised housing in Chongqing (S.R. Li). Impact on structure of labour market resulting from large-scale implementation of prefabrication (C.M. Tam).
Research at the ATLSS Center on New Materials and Systems to Resist Earthquakes and Wind
. Steel moment frame connections that achieve ductile performance (J.W. Fisher et al.). Lateral load behavior of unbonded post-tensioned precast concrete walls (F.J. Perez et al.). Design of high strength spiral reinforcement in concrete compression members (S. Pessiki et al.). Modelling and behavior of composite MRFs with concrete filled steel tubular columns subject to earthquake loading (J.M. Ricles et al.).
Smart Structures for Dynamic Hazard Mitigation
. Stochastic approach to control and identification of smart structures (J.L. Beck,K.-V. Yuen). Structural health monitoring system using support vector machine (H. Hagiwara, A. Mita). Hybrid response control of closely spaced buildings (G.C. Lee et al.). Phenomenological model of large-scale MR damper systems (G. Yang et al.).
Structural Analysis Research at the Beijing Polytechnic University
. The practical anti-earthquake optimum design of civil infrastructure network system (Y.Y. Chen, G.Y. Wang). Earthquake analysis of arch dam including dam-foundation rock nonlinear dynamic interaction (X.L. Du et al.). Evaluation of ground vibration induced by subway (L.J. Tao et al.). The method of calculating the interior force of soil nails and case analysis (Q.X. Zhang et al.).
Structural Bamboo and Bamboo Scaffolding in Building Construction
. Stability of modular steel scaffolding systems - theory and verification (A.Y.T. Chu et al.). Reliability analysis for mechanical properties of structural bamboo (M. Lu et al.). Erection of bamboo scaffolds and their recent developments (F. So). Full scale tests of bamboo scaffolds for design development against instability (W.K. Yu et al.).
Construction Technologies/Plants
. Causes of lumps and balls in high slump truck-mixed concrete: an experimental investigation (I. Ahmad et al.). Review of design and construction innovations in Hong Kong public housing (D.W.M. Chan, A.P.C. Chan). Static loading test of a self-balanced approach to a pile in the Yangtze river ( G.L. Dai et al.). Novel three-step consolidation method to eliminate foundation soil liquefying (M. Xie, Z.X. Xie).
Earthquake Engineering
. Testing of a transfer plate by pseudo-dynamic test method with substructure technique (A. Chen et al.). Seismic assessment of low-rise building with transfer structure (J.H. Li et al.). Ultimate drift ratio of non-ductile coupling beams (Z.Q. Liu et al.). Simplified method and parametric sensitivity analysis for soil-pile dynamic interaction under lateral seismic loading ( X.C. Xiao et al.).
FRP Composite, Retrofit and Repair Technologies Engineering
. FRP reinforced ECC structural members under reversed cyclic loading conditions (G. Fischer, V.C. Li). Effect of size on the failure of FRP strengthened reinforced concrete beams (C.K.Y. Leung et al.). Application of GFRP rebar in civil structures (Z.J. Li, Z.J. Zhang). Rehabilitation of reinforced concrete columns be external plate bonding (B. Uy).
High Performance Concrete/Composites
. Numerical simulation of thermal cracking of cement-based multi-inclusion composite (Y.F. Fu et al.). High performance fibre reinforced concrete (S. Mindess, A.J. Boyd). Performance test of a model for predicting strength development of fly ash-concrete (M.A. Tahir, P. Nimityongskul). Study on phosphogypsum fly ash lime solidified material (M.K. Zhou et al.).
Volume 2
Monitoring Technologies, Damage Detection and Vibration Control
. On the local optimal control counterforces in active controlled structures (N.D. Anh, L.D. Viet). Hybrid platform for high tech equipment against traffic-induced vibration (H.J. Liu et al.). Seismic design method of structures with active variable stiffness systems (B. Wu et al.). Parameter optimization of multi-TMDS for wind-excited vibration suppression of tall buildings (G. Zheng et al.).
Structural Systems and Design
.Steel Joists for Cost effective flooring system (M. Aladesaye et al.). Post-tensioned concrete floor systems in Australia (A. Charalambous et al.). The development of factory produced housing (J. Miles et al.). Effect of the shear wall cutoff on storey drifts of frame-shear wall structures (Q.F. Wang et al.).
Wind Engineering
. Hilbert-Huang transform for damping ratio identification of structures with closely spaced modes of vibration (J. Chen, Y.L. Xu). Discussion on dynamic coefficients for wind-resistant design in single-layer reticulated shells (Y.Q. Li). Wind modeling in BLWT and discussion on several problems (Y.Q. Li et al.). The effects of wind-induced dynamic response by added air mass for membrane structures (B.N. Sun et al.).
Advanced Performance Modelling
. Parametrization study on the operating efficiency of air-cooled chillers (K.T. Chan, F.W. Yu). The design of highly glazed facades and their environmental impact (P. Jones). Local study of the influence of a numerical thermal manikin of the air flow pattern and temperature field of a space (K. Kippenberg-Kretzer, P. Jones). Analysis of natural ventilation effect for an office building considering moisture absorption by materials (H. Yoshida, T. Kono).
Energy/Water Conservation in Buildings
.Friendly interface and data transfer for engineering assessment of building design options at sketch design stage "EnergySave" (A. Bennadji et al.). Mechanically ventilated double skin facades (M. Kragh). Low energy building materials: an overview (A.M. Omer). The applications of solar heat transfer and solar electricity transfer in building (W. Zhang, H.Z. Yuan).
Fire Safety Engineering
. Intumescent fire protection coating thickness for shallow floor beams (W. Sha, T.M. Chan).
Indoor Environmental Control
. The airflow around and inside high-rise residential buildings in Hong Kong (M. Bojic et al.). Application of titanium dioxide in refuse collection point (K.F. Lau et al.). Maximizing the ventilation rate for cooling energy reduction (M. Udagawa, H. Roh). Improvements of indoor humidity performance by a novel air-conditioning scheme: chilled-ceiling combined with desiccant cooling (L.Z. Zhang, J.L. Niu).
Recycling Technologies
. The eco-costs/value-ratio (Ch.F. Hendriks et al.). Strength of concretes prepared with natural and recycled aggregates at different moisture conditions (C.S. Poon et al.). Balance theory for recycling of construction and demolition wastes (E.O.W. Wong, R.C.P. Yip). Improve the quality of construction and demolition waste by separation techniques (W. Xing et al.).
Sustainable Building
. Sustainable bearing structures (M.J.P. Arets, A.A.J.F. van den Dobbelsteen). Innovations in the design of housing developments in Hong Kong (J.N. Horsfield et al.). Life-cycle analysis and environmental impact assessment of heating and air-conditioning systems (M. Prek). Defining the reference for environmental performance (A.A.J.F. van den Dobbelsteen et al.).
Building Process Integration/Coordination
. Constructing the future (T.W. Broyd). Mobile communications - the next great modifier of our homes, workplaces and cities (B. Southwood). Online remote construction management (ORCM)(A. Weippert et al.). Raised floor system: a paradigm of future office building fitout? (G. Zhang et al.).
Graphics and Virtual Reality Applications
. A new 3D reconstruction technique and its application in measuring building quantities (Y. Cao, H. Li). Virtual planning environment based on internet (N.C. Chen et al.). Modeling of complicated structures in a virtual reality environment (A.Z. Ren et al.).
GIS/GPS Applications
. A new generation of multi-antenna GPS system for landslide and structural deformation monitoring (X.L. Ding et al.). Data model and 3D visualization of underground pipeline (Q.Q. Li et al.). GPS navigation and guidance systems for construction industry (G. Retscher, E. Mok). An integrated system for slope monitoring and warning in Hong Kong (J.H. Yin et al.).
Project Management Support Systems
. Decision model for the selection of demolition techniques (A. Abdullah, C.J. Anumba). A survey management system for advanced building construction (S.Y.W. Lam, C.H.W. Tang). Agent-based specification and procurements of construction products (E.A. Obonyo et al.). A prototype of knowledge-based decision support system for construction cost management (P.X.W. Zou, C.C.X. Wang).