Butterworth-Heinemann |2005 | PDF | 464 pages | 12 Mb
The fundamental characteristics of a ship’s design, and how they affect its behaviour at sea are of crucial importance to many people involved in the design, construction, operation, and maintenance of all marine vessels. Naval architects and those working in ship design need to understand these principles in depth. Marine engineers must likewise recognise the degree to which their activities are influenced and bounded by these principles. Finally, senior crew – both Ship’s Engineers and Commanders – need an understanding of the principles of naval architecture in order to properly fulfil their duties. This book offers a clear and concise introduction to the subject and is of great value to both students and practising professionals in all of the above fields.
1. Introduction
a. Ships
b. Naval architecture and the naval architect
c. The impact of computers
2. Ship Design
a. The requirements
b. Design
c. Developing the design
d. The design process
e. Some general design attributes
f. Safety
g. Summary
3. Definition and regulation
a. Definition
b. Displacement and tonnage
c. Regulation
d. Summary
4. Ship form calculations
a. Approximate integration
b. Spreadsheets
c. Summary
5. Flotation and initial stability
a. Equilibrium
b. Stability at small angles
c. Hydrostatic curves
d. Problems in trim and stability
e. Free surfaces
f. The inclining experiment
g. Summary
6. The external environment
a. Water and air
b. Wind
c. Waves
d. Wave statistics
e. Freak waves
f. Other extreme environments
g. Marine pollution
h. Summary
7. Stability at large angles
a. Stability curves
b. Weight movements
c. Dynamical stability
d. Stability standards
e. Flooding and damaged stability
f. Summary
8. Launching, docking and grounding
a. Launching
b. Docking
c. Grounding
d. Summary
9. Resistance
a. Fluid Flow
b. Types of Resistance
c. Calculation of resistance
d. Methodical series
e. Roughness
f. Form parameters and resistance
g. Model experiments
h. Full scale trials
i. Effective power
j. Summary
10. Propulsion
a. General principles
b. Propulsors
c. The screw propeller
d. Propeller thrust and torque
e. Presentation of propeller data
f. Hull efficiency elements
g. Cavitation
h. Other propulsor types
i. Ship trials
j. Main machinery power
k. Summary
11. Ship dynamics
a. The basic responses
b. Ship vibrations
c. Calculations
d. Vibration levels
e. Summary
12. Seakeeping
a. Seakeeping qualities
b. Ship motions
c. Presentation of motion data
d. Motions in irregular seas
e. Limiting Factors
f. Overall seakeeping performance
g. Acquiring seakeeping data
h. Effect of ship form
i. Stabilization
j. Summary
13. Manoeuvring
a. Directional stability and control
b. Manoeuvring
c. Manoeuvring devices
d. Ship handling
e. Dynamic stability and control of submarines
f. Modifying the manoeuvring performance
g. Underwater vehicles
h. Summary
14. Main hull strength
a. Modes of failure
b. Nature of the ship’s structure
c. Forces on a ship
d. Section modulus
e. Superstructures
f. Standard calculation results
g. Transverse strength
h. Summary
15. Structural elements
a. Strength of individual structural elements
b. Dynamics of longitudinal strength
c. Horizontal flexure and torsion
d. Load-shortening curves
e. Finite element analysis
f. Structural safety
g. Corrosion
h. Summary
16. The internal environment
a. Important factors
b. Summary
17. Ship Types
a. Merchant ships
b. High speed craft
c. Warships
d. Summary
'This fourth edition of an Introduction to Naval Architecture by E.C. Tupper follows on from the previous well-established edition of a text book of naval architecture that many find an invaluable reference in either studying or practising many aspects of marine technology, whether as naval architects, marine engineers, or as sea-going ship engineers and commanders... it builds on the strengths of the previous edition as a very valuable introduction to naval architecture that is clearly written and with well-presented figures... A further welcome addition is the inclusion of a number of exercises and worked examples to allow practice of calculations... In summary, this fourth edition builds on the strengths of the previous edition, with significant beneficial revisions to provide an excellent and comprehensive text on naval architecture that will be an invaluable source of reference for all students and practising professionals in marine technology.' Dr Peter N H Wright, University of Newcastle in The Naval Architect, March 2005