E. Neufert, P. Neufert, B. Baiche, N. Walliman
Blackwell Science | 0632057718 | 2002 | PDF | 648 pages | 150 Mb
Part I

Part II

Architects' Data provides an essential reference for the initial design and planning of a building project. Organised largely by building type, and with over 6000 diagrams, it provides a mass of data on spatial requirements and also covers planning criteria and considerations of function and siting.
Most illustrations are dimensioned and each building type includes plans, sections, site layouts and design details.
There are substantial new sections on:
building components, services, heating, lighting, thermal and sound insulation, fire protection, designing for access
An extensive bibliography and a detailed set of metric/imperial conversion tables are included.
Provides a vast amount of design data for all the main building types
Includes over 6200 diagrams
packed full of data
40% larger than previous edition, with over 3000 more illustrations
Offers substantially expanded sections on building components, services, and heating, lighting and sound
Now with completely new sections on thermal insulation, solar architecture, fire protection and means of escape, designing for the disabled, and refurbishment and renovation
Drafting Guidelines
Houses & Residential Buildings
Healthcare Buildings
Measurement Basis
Educational & Research Facilities
Places of Worship
Office Buildings
Cemeteries & Crematoria
Construction Management
Building Components
Retail outlets
Related St&ards
Heating & Ventilation
Workshops & Industrial Buildings
Conversion Tables
Thermal & Sound Insulation
Agricultural Buildings
Fire Protection & Means of Escape
Public Transport
Lightning Protection/Aerials
Designing for Vehicles
Artificial Lighting & Daylight
Windows & Doors
Fire stations
Stairs, Escalators & Lifts
Refurbishment, Maintenance & Change of Use
Zoos & Aquariums
Roads & streets
Sport & Recreation
"Neufert's Architects' Data was the first book I bought when I started my studies in architecture.
It was invaluable for me then & it is still a useful aid in my designs."
Cesar Pelli, Architect
Blackwell Science | 0632057718 | 2002 | PDF | 648 pages | 150 Mb
Part I
Part II
Architects' Data provides an essential reference for the initial design and planning of a building project. Organised largely by building type, and with over 6000 diagrams, it provides a mass of data on spatial requirements and also covers planning criteria and considerations of function and siting.
Most illustrations are dimensioned and each building type includes plans, sections, site layouts and design details.
There are substantial new sections on:
building components, services, heating, lighting, thermal and sound insulation, fire protection, designing for access
An extensive bibliography and a detailed set of metric/imperial conversion tables are included.
Provides a vast amount of design data for all the main building types
Includes over 6200 diagrams
packed full of data
40% larger than previous edition, with over 3000 more illustrations
Offers substantially expanded sections on building components, services, and heating, lighting and sound
Now with completely new sections on thermal insulation, solar architecture, fire protection and means of escape, designing for the disabled, and refurbishment and renovation
Drafting Guidelines
Houses & Residential Buildings
Healthcare Buildings
Measurement Basis
Educational & Research Facilities
Places of Worship
Office Buildings
Cemeteries & Crematoria
Construction Management
Building Components
Retail outlets
Related St&ards
Heating & Ventilation
Workshops & Industrial Buildings
Conversion Tables
Thermal & Sound Insulation
Agricultural Buildings
Fire Protection & Means of Escape
Public Transport
Lightning Protection/Aerials
Designing for Vehicles
Artificial Lighting & Daylight
Windows & Doors
Fire stations
Stairs, Escalators & Lifts
Refurbishment, Maintenance & Change of Use
Zoos & Aquariums
Roads & streets
Sport & Recreation
"Neufert's Architects' Data was the first book I bought when I started my studies in architecture.
It was invaluable for me then & it is still a useful aid in my designs."
Cesar Pelli, Architect