D. Walters
Architectural Press | 075066925X | 2007 | PDF | 288 pages | 21 Mb

Greenfield sites around towns and cities, and redevelopment infill sites in existing urban areas often become battlegrounds between the conflicting interests of developers and communities.
In America, design charrettes (intensive design and planning workshops) have become widely used as a means of bringing together these divergent groups, using detailed design exercises to establish agreement around a development masterplan. Despite the increasing frequency of their use, charrettes are widely misunderstood and can be misapplied. This book provides a detailed guidance on the proper and most effective ways to use this helpful tool. The book combines charrette masterplanning with the creation of "design-based" codes (also known as "form-based" codes) to control the development's implementation in line with the design and planning principles established during the charrette process.
* Provides detailed and specific guidance on the management and best use of the increasingly popular, yet complex, public design event
* Blends history, theory and practice to paint the full picture of the past, present and possible future of community planning
* Shows how to manage the conflict between development, design and planning professionals and community interests inherent in current design and planning practice
Part I Cultural comparisons 1
Chapter 1 Setting the Scene: Cultural and Professional Comparisons between
Planning and Urban Design in Britain and America 3
Synopsis 3
Legal and Political Frameworks in America 3
The British Planning System 10
Comparative Summary 14
Part II History 17
Chapter 2 The Evolution of the Planning Process and the Changing Role of Urban Design 19
Synopsis 19
Definitions of Urban Design 19
Major Historical Movements in Planning 20
From Modernism to Postmodernism 23
Physical Planning and Urban Design in Context 28
Six Typologies of Planning 31
Chapter 3 Political Theory, Postmodern Planning and Urban Design 43
Synopsis 43
Theory, Practice and Politics 43
Postmodern Critiques of Planning 51
Master Planning and Urban Design as Public Policy 56
Chapter 4 Planning, Urban Design and Citizen Power: Community Participation
in Planning from 19th Century Anarchist Roots to Today 65
Synopsis 65
Anarchist Origins of Community Development 65
People versus the Planners: Jane Jacobs and the Neighborhood 69
Community-based Architecture and Planning 72
Building Community Trust: Ralph Erskine at Byker 75
Community Planning and Design: Christopher Alexander’s Pattern Language 78
Community Power and Urban Design 79
Part III Theory 81
Chapter 5 Codes and Guidelines 83
Synopsis 83
Precedents for Design Regulation 83
The Development of Contemporary Form-based Codes 90
Issues with Form-based Design Codes 93
American Form-based Zoning Ordinances 97
American Pattern Books 115
British Urban Design Guidance 117
Chapter 6 New Urbanism and Neighborhoods 135
Synopsis 135
New Urbanism in Context 135
Dilemmas of New Urbanism 137
Neighborhood Unit Theory 145
Everyday Urbanism 157
Part IV Practice 161
Chapter 7 Urban Design, Public Participation and Planning in Practice 163
Synopsis 163
Design and Community 163
Charrette Principles and Processes 166
A Typical Charrette 171
Charrette Budgets 174
Charrette Products 177
Part V Preamble to Case Studies 183
Chapter 8 Case Study I: Downtown Redevelopment, Huntersville, NC 185
Existing Conditions 185
Executive Summary 187
Design Process – Analysis 188
Design Process – Public Input 192
Design Process – Development Strategies and Projects 194
Development Analysis 206
Implementation Strategies 208
Critical Evaluation of the Case Study 210
Chapter 9 Case Study II: Greenfield Urban Extension, Concord, NC 215
Existing Conditions 215
Executive Summary 218
Design Process – Analysis 220
Design Process – Development Strategies 223
Conceptual Development Projects 227
Implementation Strategies 235
Critical Evaluation of the Case Study 237
As strong in its theoretical grasp as it is in enumerating the practical aspects of design codes and charrettes, Designing Community guides us through the strategies we need to adopt to create better communal spaces...Design professionals should take the core messages of this book to heart and use its to improve our public realm.
AJ 30.08.07
Architectural Press | 075066925X | 2007 | PDF | 288 pages | 21 Mb
Greenfield sites around towns and cities, and redevelopment infill sites in existing urban areas often become battlegrounds between the conflicting interests of developers and communities.
In America, design charrettes (intensive design and planning workshops) have become widely used as a means of bringing together these divergent groups, using detailed design exercises to establish agreement around a development masterplan. Despite the increasing frequency of their use, charrettes are widely misunderstood and can be misapplied. This book provides a detailed guidance on the proper and most effective ways to use this helpful tool. The book combines charrette masterplanning with the creation of "design-based" codes (also known as "form-based" codes) to control the development's implementation in line with the design and planning principles established during the charrette process.
* Provides detailed and specific guidance on the management and best use of the increasingly popular, yet complex, public design event
* Blends history, theory and practice to paint the full picture of the past, present and possible future of community planning
* Shows how to manage the conflict between development, design and planning professionals and community interests inherent in current design and planning practice
Part I Cultural comparisons 1
Chapter 1 Setting the Scene: Cultural and Professional Comparisons between
Planning and Urban Design in Britain and America 3
Synopsis 3
Legal and Political Frameworks in America 3
The British Planning System 10
Comparative Summary 14
Part II History 17
Chapter 2 The Evolution of the Planning Process and the Changing Role of Urban Design 19
Synopsis 19
Definitions of Urban Design 19
Major Historical Movements in Planning 20
From Modernism to Postmodernism 23
Physical Planning and Urban Design in Context 28
Six Typologies of Planning 31
Chapter 3 Political Theory, Postmodern Planning and Urban Design 43
Synopsis 43
Theory, Practice and Politics 43
Postmodern Critiques of Planning 51
Master Planning and Urban Design as Public Policy 56
Chapter 4 Planning, Urban Design and Citizen Power: Community Participation
in Planning from 19th Century Anarchist Roots to Today 65
Synopsis 65
Anarchist Origins of Community Development 65
People versus the Planners: Jane Jacobs and the Neighborhood 69
Community-based Architecture and Planning 72
Building Community Trust: Ralph Erskine at Byker 75
Community Planning and Design: Christopher Alexander’s Pattern Language 78
Community Power and Urban Design 79
Part III Theory 81
Chapter 5 Codes and Guidelines 83
Synopsis 83
Precedents for Design Regulation 83
The Development of Contemporary Form-based Codes 90
Issues with Form-based Design Codes 93
American Form-based Zoning Ordinances 97
American Pattern Books 115
British Urban Design Guidance 117
Chapter 6 New Urbanism and Neighborhoods 135
Synopsis 135
New Urbanism in Context 135
Dilemmas of New Urbanism 137
Neighborhood Unit Theory 145
Everyday Urbanism 157
Part IV Practice 161
Chapter 7 Urban Design, Public Participation and Planning in Practice 163
Synopsis 163
Design and Community 163
Charrette Principles and Processes 166
A Typical Charrette 171
Charrette Budgets 174
Charrette Products 177
Part V Preamble to Case Studies 183
Chapter 8 Case Study I: Downtown Redevelopment, Huntersville, NC 185
Existing Conditions 185
Executive Summary 187
Design Process – Analysis 188
Design Process – Public Input 192
Design Process – Development Strategies and Projects 194
Development Analysis 206
Implementation Strategies 208
Critical Evaluation of the Case Study 210
Chapter 9 Case Study II: Greenfield Urban Extension, Concord, NC 215
Existing Conditions 215
Executive Summary 218
Design Process – Analysis 220
Design Process – Development Strategies 223
Conceptual Development Projects 227
Implementation Strategies 235
Critical Evaluation of the Case Study 237
As strong in its theoretical grasp as it is in enumerating the practical aspects of design codes and charrettes, Designing Community guides us through the strategies we need to adopt to create better communal spaces...Design professionals should take the core messages of this book to heart and use its to improve our public realm.
AJ 30.08.07