A.W. Hendry, B.P. Sinha, S.R. Davies
E & F Spon | 0419215603 | 1997 | PDF | 271 pages | 4 Mb

Interest in stuctural masonary has increased significantly in recent years. As a result more advanced codes of practice for the design of buildings in brickwork have been introduced in many countries. Design of Masonary Structures covers in particular the structure and content of the British code BS 5628 and the Eurocode EC6. Although the book is written with reference to the British and European codes, the principles described have general application and exemplify structural masonry design based on a limit state approach. The opening chapter provides a sound understanding of materials properties and relevent structural principles, the basis for successful use of any design code. Next the author gives a detailed description of the British and European codes.The design of elements under compression, shear and lateral load is discussed, as are reinforced and prestressed members and masonry walls acting compositely with reinforced concrete or steel structures.
1 Loadbearing masonry buildings
1.1 Advantages and development of loadbearing masonry
1.2 Basic design considerations
1.3 Structural safety: limit state design
1.4 Foundations
1.5 Reinforced and prestressed masonry
2 Bricks, blocks and mortars
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Bricks and blocks
2.3 Mortar
2.4 Lime: non-hydraulic or semi-hydraulic lime
2.5 Sand
2.6 Water
2.7 Plasticized Portland cement mortar
2.8 Use of pigments
2.9 Frost inhibitors
2.10 Proportioning and strength
2.11 Choice of unit and mortar
2.12 Wall ties
2.13 Concrete infill and grout
2.14 Reinforcing and prestressing steel
3 Masonry properties
3.1 General
3.2 Compressive strength
3.3 Strength of masonry in combined compression and shear
3.4 The tensile strength of masonry
3.5 Stress-strain properties of masonry
3.6 Effects of workmanship on masonry strength
4 Codes of practice for structural masonry
4.1 Codes of practice: general
4.2 The basis and structure of BS 5628: Part 1
4.3 BS 5628: Part 2—reinforced and prestressed masonry
4.4 Description of Eurocode 6 Part 1–1(ENV 1996–1–1:1995)
5 Design for compressive loading
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Wall and column behaviour under axial load
5.3 Wall and column behaviour under eccentric load
5.4 Slenderness ratio
5.5 Calculation of eccentricity
5.6 Vertical load resistance
5.7 Vertical loading
5.8 Modification factors
5.9 Examples
6 Design for wind loading
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Overall stability
6.3 Theoretical methods for wind load analysis
6.4 Load distribution between unsymmetrically arranged shear walls
7 Lateral load analysis of masonry panels
7.1 General
7.2 Analysis of panels with precompression
7.3 Approximate theory for lateral load analysis of walls subjected to precompression with and without returns
7.4 Effect of very high precompression
7.5 Lateral load design of panels without precompression
8 Composite action between walls and other elements
8.1 Composite wall-beams
8.2 Interaction between wall panels and frames
9 Design for accidental damage
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Accidental loading
9.3 Likelihood of occurrence of progressive collapse
9.4 Possible methods of design
9.5 Use of ties
10 Reinforced masonry
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Flexural strength
10.3 Shear strength of reinforced masonry
10.4 Deflection of reinforced masonry beams
10.5 Reinforced masonry columns, using BS 5628: Part 2
10.6 Reinforced masonry columns, using ENV 1996–1–1
11 Prestressed masonry
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Methods of prestressing
11.3 Basic theory
11.4 A general flexural theory
11.5 Shear stress
11.6 Deflections
11.7 Loss of prestress
12 Design calculations for a seven-storey dormitory building according to BS 5628
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Basis of design: loadings
12.3 Quality control: partial safety factors
12.4 Calculation of vertical loading on walls
12.5 Wind loading
12.6 Design load
12.7 Design calculation according to EC6 Part 1–1(ENV 1996–1:1995)
12.8 Design of panel for lateral loading: BS 5628 (limit state)
12.9 Design for accidental damage
12.10 Appendix: a typical design calculation for interior-span solid slab
13 Movements in masonry buildings
13.1 General
13.2 Causes of movement in buildings
13.3 Horizontal movements in masonry walls
13.4 Vertical movements in masonry walls
'A place should be found for this book on the shelves of practising structural engineers...' - Structural Survey
A place should be found for this book on the shelves of practising structural engineers. – Structural Survey
E & F Spon | 0419215603 | 1997 | PDF | 271 pages | 4 Mb
Interest in stuctural masonary has increased significantly in recent years. As a result more advanced codes of practice for the design of buildings in brickwork have been introduced in many countries. Design of Masonary Structures covers in particular the structure and content of the British code BS 5628 and the Eurocode EC6. Although the book is written with reference to the British and European codes, the principles described have general application and exemplify structural masonry design based on a limit state approach. The opening chapter provides a sound understanding of materials properties and relevent structural principles, the basis for successful use of any design code. Next the author gives a detailed description of the British and European codes.The design of elements under compression, shear and lateral load is discussed, as are reinforced and prestressed members and masonry walls acting compositely with reinforced concrete or steel structures.
1 Loadbearing masonry buildings
1.1 Advantages and development of loadbearing masonry
1.2 Basic design considerations
1.3 Structural safety: limit state design
1.4 Foundations
1.5 Reinforced and prestressed masonry
2 Bricks, blocks and mortars
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Bricks and blocks
2.3 Mortar
2.4 Lime: non-hydraulic or semi-hydraulic lime
2.5 Sand
2.6 Water
2.7 Plasticized Portland cement mortar
2.8 Use of pigments
2.9 Frost inhibitors
2.10 Proportioning and strength
2.11 Choice of unit and mortar
2.12 Wall ties
2.13 Concrete infill and grout
2.14 Reinforcing and prestressing steel
3 Masonry properties
3.1 General
3.2 Compressive strength
3.3 Strength of masonry in combined compression and shear
3.4 The tensile strength of masonry
3.5 Stress-strain properties of masonry
3.6 Effects of workmanship on masonry strength
4 Codes of practice for structural masonry
4.1 Codes of practice: general
4.2 The basis and structure of BS 5628: Part 1
4.3 BS 5628: Part 2—reinforced and prestressed masonry
4.4 Description of Eurocode 6 Part 1–1(ENV 1996–1–1:1995)
5 Design for compressive loading
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Wall and column behaviour under axial load
5.3 Wall and column behaviour under eccentric load
5.4 Slenderness ratio
5.5 Calculation of eccentricity
5.6 Vertical load resistance
5.7 Vertical loading
5.8 Modification factors
5.9 Examples
6 Design for wind loading
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Overall stability
6.3 Theoretical methods for wind load analysis
6.4 Load distribution between unsymmetrically arranged shear walls
7 Lateral load analysis of masonry panels
7.1 General
7.2 Analysis of panels with precompression
7.3 Approximate theory for lateral load analysis of walls subjected to precompression with and without returns
7.4 Effect of very high precompression
7.5 Lateral load design of panels without precompression
8 Composite action between walls and other elements
8.1 Composite wall-beams
8.2 Interaction between wall panels and frames
9 Design for accidental damage
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Accidental loading
9.3 Likelihood of occurrence of progressive collapse
9.4 Possible methods of design
9.5 Use of ties
10 Reinforced masonry
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Flexural strength
10.3 Shear strength of reinforced masonry
10.4 Deflection of reinforced masonry beams
10.5 Reinforced masonry columns, using BS 5628: Part 2
10.6 Reinforced masonry columns, using ENV 1996–1–1
11 Prestressed masonry
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Methods of prestressing
11.3 Basic theory
11.4 A general flexural theory
11.5 Shear stress
11.6 Deflections
11.7 Loss of prestress
12 Design calculations for a seven-storey dormitory building according to BS 5628
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Basis of design: loadings
12.3 Quality control: partial safety factors
12.4 Calculation of vertical loading on walls
12.5 Wind loading
12.6 Design load
12.7 Design calculation according to EC6 Part 1–1(ENV 1996–1:1995)
12.8 Design of panel for lateral loading: BS 5628 (limit state)
12.9 Design for accidental damage
12.10 Appendix: a typical design calculation for interior-span solid slab
13 Movements in masonry buildings
13.1 General
13.2 Causes of movement in buildings
13.3 Horizontal movements in masonry walls
13.4 Vertical movements in masonry walls
'A place should be found for this book on the shelves of practising structural engineers...' - Structural Survey
A place should be found for this book on the shelves of practising structural engineers. – Structural Survey